A journey into the 5Rhythms
Over the course of the last five years, I have embarked on a personal discovery that has become what I now know is a lifelong learning. Back in winter of 2003 I signed up for a 5Rhythms class with
Jonathan Horan in Atlanta at a yoga studio and was immediately hooked. I'll never forget when Jonathan demonstrated the rhythms how I said quietly to myself, that I had finally found a place where i could feel completely AT HOME. I immediately went to the 5rhythms website in New York to investigate ways to study more. In just a month or so, I was in New York at a workshop called TRIBE. It was like a subtle internal earthquake.
I remember upon my return back home after TRIBE during my morning workout noticing my body was moving differently. At the time it was impossible to articulate how, but the movements were different....my warm up was slower and fuller, my legs stretched better than they had in the past, and the way my body moved on the treadmill was more flowing, not so much effort. It was like my whole body was a part of the motion, not just the legs.
Later that year I went to Brussells, Antwerp and the countryside of Belgium to study with an English teacher, YaAcov Darling Khan, then back to New York to work with Gabrielle Roth, the creator of the work.
I began to see these amazing changes in my flexibility, an openness and quietness in my body and in my life. On the dance floor, and in life, I was having these short sweet illuminations....fed by the sweat of hours and hours of moving and dancing.
I look forward to bringing this work to Atlanta in our class on sundays and dancing with all of you out there in the near future.
in movement, smith